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  2024年4月19日 星期五 农历甲辰【龙】年三月十一 谷雨

四上 Unit 7 How much
发布时间:2016/4/19 9:11:17  作者:王赟  点击:9091

Unit7 How much

Period  1

教学内容:Story time


1. 通过数字游戏,复习三年级数字单词,学生能够利用数字表达价钱;

2. 情境呈现顾客营业员买卖过程,学生能够读准单词:shoes,socks,umbrella并理解句型How much is it/are they? It’s/They’re …yuan.

3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述、表演课文。

4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型 ,询问价格,进行购物买卖。


1.    情境呈现顾客营业员买卖过程,学生能够读准单词:shoes,socks,umbrella并理解句型How much is it/are they? It’s/They’re …yuan.

2.    能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述、表演课文。


Teaching Difficult Points

能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型 ,询问价格,进行购物买卖。



教  学  过  程

Step1 Warm up

1.    Review numbers

Show some clocks and telephone numbers. Then ask the students to say the numbers.

T: We can use numbers to say the time. We can use them to say the phone numbers. What else can we do? Today we will use numbers again. We can use them to buy things.(揭题)

2.    Number games (接龙游戏)

Play the game in groups

3.    Review the words about clothes

T: I like shopping. I often buy clothes. What kind of clothes do you know?

Ask the students to say the words about clothes.

The teacher writes down all the words on the blackboard.

Step 2 Presentation

1.    Play a role and teacher the new sentences

The teacher acts as a guest, one student acts as a shop assistant.

T: I’d like a glass of milk and a sandwich.

S1: OK. Anything else?

T: No, thanks. How much are they/ is it?


T: How much is it?

S1: It’s … yuan.

2.    Give the menu and price


T:I’d like some noodles. How much is it?

Ss: It’s fifteen yuan.

T: I’d like two hamburgers and a cup of coffee. How much are they?

Ss: They’re forty yuan.

3.    Show the menu on PPT, ask the students make dialogues in pairs.

S1: I’d like a hamburger and a glass of juice? How much are they/is it?

S2: They’re / It’s …yuan.

4.    Teach the text

a.    Listen to the text and answer the questions

Q1: Who are they?

Q2: What are they talking about?

Check out the answers

T: Who are they?

Ss: They’re Su Hai, Su Yang, Liu Tao, Yang Ling, Mike and Miss Li.

T: Yes, today Su Hai and Su Yang are now students. They’re shop assistant(让学生自己说出营业员). How do you know?

引导学生自己说出购物的句型: Can I help you?

b.    Read and find out the price 自读课文,找到每件物品的价格

PPT 显示物品,让学生填上价格

Check out the answers

T: How do you know? 引导学生找到书上原句

Read the sentences in role, then ask and answer

T: How much are the shoes?

Ss: They’re five yuan.

T: How much are the socks?

Ss: They’re four yuan.

T: How much is the umbrella?

Ss: It’s 19 yuan.

Step 3 Consolidation

1. Read the text after the tape

2. Read the text in groups

3. Act in role


a. 在教室布置四个商店,分别是食品、服饰、文具和玩具商店,学生分为营业员及顾客小组。

b. 在相同时间内进行买卖,买到最多东西,及卖到最多物品者获胜。

S1: Hello. Can I help you?

S2: I’d like … How much is it?

S1: It’s … yuan.

S2: Here you are.

S1: Thank you. Can I help you?

S3: I’d like … How much are they?

S1: They’re … yuan.


1. Read the dialogues after the tape and imitate the pronunciation.

2. Try to recite the dialogue.

3. Copy the new words.

4. Make a card(为下节课做准备)具体步骤见Fun time


Unit 7 How much?

Can I help you?                  

I’d like ….

How much…?                                       

It’s / They’re … yuan.

shoes                               five yuan

umbrella                             nineteen yuan

socks                               four

Period  2

教学内容:  Fun time, Cartoon time


1.    通过数字游戏巩固所学数字单词,能听懂、会说、会读、会写twenty, thirty, forty, fifty;

2.    在猜测物品价格游戏中,能够听懂、会说、会读、会写句型How much is it?/ How much are they?以及应答句;

3.    通过小组合作游戏及购物游戏,学生能够熟练运用买卖句型Can I help you? How much …?并能熟练运用数字单词表示物品价格;

4.    通过图片提示能够预测故事内容;

5.    通过朗读能够理解故事内容并能生动表演。


1.    通过数字游戏巩固所学数字单词,能听懂、会说、会读、会写twenty, thirty, forty, fifty;

2.    在猜测物品价格游戏中,能够听懂、会说、会读、会写句型How much is it?/ How much are they?以及应答句;

3.    通过小组合作游戏及购物游戏,学生能够熟练运用买卖句型Can I help you? How much …?并能熟练运用数字单词表示物品价格;


1.    通过小组合作游戏及购物游戏,学生能够熟练运用买卖句型Can I help you? How much …?并能熟练运用数字单词表示物品价格;

2.    通过图片提示能够预测故事内容。




Step1 Warm up

1.    Greeting

How old are you?

How many …s do you have?

How many people are there in your family?

2. Play number games

Write down some numbers on the cards, then show the back of the cards.

T: What number is it?

Ss: …

3. Act in role

Ask the students to act out the story

Step2. Presentation

1.    Finish the sentences

Liu Tao would like ______________. They’re ________yuan.

Yang Ling would like a pair of __________. It’s _____yuan.

Mike would like this_______ __________. It’s only _______yuan.

2.    Teach the new words

T: Look at my scarf.

Ss: It’s nice.

T: I bought it last week. Do you know how much it is?

It’s fifty yuan. (边说边将价格贴在衣服上)

Teach the new word ‘fifty’

T: I have some clothes and toys here. If you want to know the price of them. Please ask me ‘How much is it? ’ or ‘How much are they?’

PPT show the things

Ask and answer in two

S1: How much is it?

T: It’s thirty yuan.

S2: How much are they?

T: They’re forty yuan.

Teach the new words ‘thirty, forty’

3.    Write down ‘twenty  thirty   forty   fifty’ on the blackboard

Ask the students to say the rules

4.    Play a game

T: I have some toys here. If you can guess the price, you can get it.

Show a toy dog


T: I have a … How much is it?

Ss: It’s … yuan.

T: (老师将价格一步步缩小,如物品价格为40,学生猜30,老师就说thirty to forty)

Ss: … yuan.

T: Yes, you’re right.

5.    Play the game in groups


S1: I have a …. / I have some …s.

How much is it? / How much are they?

S2: It’s … yuan. / They’re … yuan.

S1: … to …



Step3  Cartoon time

1.    T: If we want to buy something. Where can we go?

S: Shop

T: Yes. Look at Bobby and Sam. Where are they?

Ss: They’re in the shop.

T: (出示小猪售货员) This is the shop keeper, Mr Pig.

What will he say?

Ss: …


2.    Watch the cartoon and answer the questions

a.    What would Bobby like?

b.    How many bowknots would he like?

c.    Who is Tina?

3.    将动画片放至最后一幅图前问学生

T: If you are Tina. What will you say?

Teach “How beautiful!”

4.    Read in role

5.    Act in role

Step4 Acting time


S1: Can I help you?

S2: I’d like a … / some….

How much is it /are they?

S1: It’s / They’re … yuan.

S2: Here you are.

S1: Thank you.


1. Read Cartoon time five times.


Unit 7 How much

A: Can I help you?

B: I’d like a /some…

How much is it / are they?

A: It’s / They’re … yuan.

Here you are.

B: Thank you.

Period  3


Sound time、Song time、Checkout time and Ticking time

教学目标Teaching Aims

1. 通过复习及头脑风暴游戏,学生能够说出关于服装、颜色及数字的单词;

2. 通过改编歌曲体会语言韵律美,体会语言多样性;

3. 通过购物对话,能够熟练准确运用句型Can I help you? How much…?句型及应答;

4. 通过朗读单词,体会字母v的读音,并能归纳已学含有/v/发音的单词。


1. 通过购物对话,能够熟练准确运用句型Can I help you? How much…?句型及应答;

2. 通过朗读单词,体会字母v的读音,并能归纳已学含有/v/发音的单词。


通过购物对话,能够熟练准确运用句型Can I help you? How much…?句型及应答



教  学  过  程

Step1 Warm up

1. Greeting

How much is your pencil?

How much is your …

Introduce the students’ things

S1: I have a …. It’s … yuan.

S2: I have some …. They’re …yuan.

2. Play a game ’Brain storm’

Name the clothes in groups

Say colours in groups

Step2 Sing a song

1. Show the picture about the song

T: What can you see in the picture?

S1: I can see a pair of socks.

S2: I can see a skirt.

S3: I can see a T-shirt.

S4: I can see a pair of shoes.

2. Listen to the song

T: What can you find in the clothes shop?

S1: Blue skirts and T-shirts.

S2: Yellow shoes.

S3: Red socks.

T: How are these things?

S4: They’re very cheap.

S5: They’re very good.

3. Sing the song

4. Act out the song

5. Make a new song

Green skirts and T-shirts, brown shoes and black socks..

They are very nice and they are very good.

You can try them on…

Step3 Ticking time

Show the form about ticking time

1. Show some pictures and the prices

T: What is this? / What are these ?

S: It’s a …/ They’re …s.

T: How much is it? / How much are they?

S: It’s … yuan. / They’re … yuan.

2. Show their own things to be a shop assistant

T: How to be a shop assistant? What can we say?

Ss: …


Step4  Check out time

1. Flash cards quickly

T: What’s this?

Ss: An umbrella.

T: What are these?

Ss: Shoes.

4.    Try to guess the price

Ss: How much is the…?

Ss: It’s … yuan.

5.    Listen and choose

6.    Check out the answer

Step5 Sound time

1. Show the picture

T: Look, how many people are there?

Ss: Five.

T: Where are they?

Ss: They’re in the river.

T: Right. They live near the river. They love to swim in summer.

2. Write down the words ‘five, live, love, river’, circle the letter ‘v’

3. Read the words and /v/

4. Read the sentences

Five men live near the river. 五个男士住在河边。

They love to swim in summer. 他们喜欢在夏天游泳。

5. Give some other words include /v/


1. Finish the exercises

2. Know the sound of the letter ‘v’

3. Review and recite Unit7.

4. Try to write down a dialogue in shop.

板书设计Blackboard Writing

Unit 7 How much

v  five   live    love    river

Five men live near the river. 他们住在河边。

They love to swim in summer. 他们喜欢在夏天游泳。

A:Can I help you?

B: I’d like a / some….

How much…?

A: It’s/They’re….

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四上Unit7 How much
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