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□ 当前位置:教学频道>英语

————庄洁 故事教学的尝试
发布人:庄洁  发布时间:2012/1/6 8:54:17



  1. 能听懂、看懂、会说单词jungle、sad、giraffe、fire、afraid、save以及词组be good at、the face lifting hospital、in danger、put out、carry things

  2. 会说句型I like …because…

  3. 基本理解故事内容,能大概说出故事情节。





  一. Greetings and Free talk:

  T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.

  Ss: Nice to meet you, too.

  T: Today I’m glad to be your English teacher. You may call me Miss Wang.  Are you ready for our class?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: OK. Class begins.

  Ss: Stand up.

  T: Good morning, boys and girls.

  Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang.

  T: Sit down, please. How are you today?

  Ss: Fine, thank you.

  T: Boys and girls, we just took a three days holiday.

   Do you like holidays? What do you usually do on holidays?


  T: I usually go to the zoo because I like animals.



  二. Show the new words and phrases:

  T: Do you like animals?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: Look, here are some pictures of the animals. (PPT呈现图片)

  What animals do you like?

  S: I like … (提问两位同学)

  T: You like … You like …   But I like …because …

  (黑板出示句型I like … because… ,后教单词because, 单词卡片


  T: Tell your deskmates, what animals do you like, why? Use the sentence pattern on the blackboard.   Can you tell me?


  T: Look, what are those in English? (PPT呈现图片) They’re giraffes.

   Look, this is a giraffe. (呈现图片,教单词)

  Do you like giraffes?

  Ss: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

  T: I like giraffes, too. / I like giraffes very much.

  I like giraffes because they are beautiful.


  T: Well, we like animals because they’re lovely, they’re beautiful. But do you know, animals can do many things.

  Do you want to know more about the animals?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: Ok. Let’s watch some videos. (PPT呈现Video 1)

  T: Look, it’s a rabbit. What’s the rabbit doing?

  Ss: It is running.

  T: Yes, it runs fast.

  We can say “The rabbit is good at running.”

  (PPT呈现句子、教授be good at) 

  领读:The rabbit is good at running.

  T: Yes. The rabbit is good at running. How about the birds? Look, here are some birds. (PPT呈现Video 2)

  What are the birds doing?

  (引导学生回答)They’re flying and singing.

  领读:The birds are good at flying and singing.


  三、Elicit the passage

  T: The rabbit is good at running. The birds are good at flying and singing. Look, here are some elephants. (PPT出示图片)

  Elephants can do many things with their noses. (PPT出示句子)

  Elephants are good at many things.

  Do you like elephants?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: I like elephants, too.

  I like elephants because they can carry things with their noses.

  Why do you like elephants?

  Look, I have some pictures for you. (PPT呈现图片)

  You can look at these pictures and try to say.

  T: Well, we all like elephants.

   Then I’ll tell you a story about a little elephant.

  Look, this is the little elephant. His name is Elmer.


  Let’s say “hello” to Elmer.

  Ss: Hello, Elmer.  (PPT录音)  Hello, boys and girls.

  T: Oh, Elmer is saying “hello” to us.

   Look, where is Elmer now? Where does Elmer live? (PPT呈现图片)

  T: (自问自答) This is a jungle. He lives in the jungle.

  (教授jungle, 读live in the jungle)

  T: Elmer lives in the jungle.

   Who lives in the jungle, too? 

  Please listen and tell me. (PPT呈现问句,PPT录音)

  S: The animals live in the jungle, too.

  T: Yes. Elmer and the animals live in the jungle.

   Look, these are the animals.

  Elmer and they live in the jungle together.

   But the animals don’t like Elmer.

   Do you want to know why? Why don’t the animals like Elmer?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: Let’s watch a cartoon. Why the animals don’t like Elmer?

  (PPT呈现问句) (PPT呈现cartoon)(边看动画边解说)

  T: The animals don’t like Elmer. Why?

  S: They don’t like Elmer because he has a long nose. (PPT呈现答句)

  T: Yes. He has a long nose. They don’t like Elmer.

  T: Elmer is very sad. He wants to change his nose.

  Elmer needs a new nose.

   So he goes to a face lifting hospital.

  This is the face lifting hospital.

  (PPT呈现图片,教授face lifting hospital)

  T: The doctor is saying “hello”to us.

   Who is the doctor? (PPT呈现问句)  

  Let’s listen. (PPT录音)

  Ss: The giraffe is the doctor.

  T: Yes. This is Doctor Giraffe. (PPT呈现图)

   What is he good at?

  S: He is good at face lifting.

  T: Yes. He is good at face lifting. He can help Elmer.

   How can Doctor Giraffe help Elmer? (PPT呈现图片)

   Listen. He is talking with Elmer now. (PPT录音)

  T: How can Doctor Giraffe help Elmer?  

  Doctor Giraffe says(引导学生回答)he has lots of noses.

  T: Look, these are the noses. (PPT呈现图)

   Elmer can have a new nose now.


  T: But at that time, there’s sth happening in the jungle.

   What’s happening in the jungle?

  Let’s go on watching the cartoon.

  (PPT呈现问句) (PPT呈现cartoon)(边看动画边解说)

  S: (引导回答) There is a big fire in the jungle. (新授fire)

  T: Who puts out the fire?  (新授)

  S: Elmer puts out the fire.

  T: I think the animals like Elmer now. Do you think so?

  S: Yes.

  T: Why?

  S: Because Elmer puts out the fire with his long nose.




  T: Boys and girls, do you like Elmer?

  S: Yes.

  T: Do you like this story?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: Please try to read this story by yourselves. OK?

  S: OK.

  T: I have some learning tips for you. (PPT出示)


  T: Can you remember this story? Let’s read and think.

  Try to put the sentences in the right order. (PPT出示)

  Ss: OK.

  T: Now, please try. (Ss finish the exercise.)

  (Check the answer and let the Ss read it out.)


  T: Good job! After class, I’ll try to tell this story to my friends. Would you like to tell this story to your parents after school?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: Ok. Let’s try to retell the story. (PPT呈现图)

   Look. I have four pictures for you.

   You can say like this. (根据线索词说一遍)

   Please discuss in groups. Prepare for one minute.




  T: Well done, boys and girls. Today, we’ve learnt a story about a little elephant. Now, we know elephants can do many things with their noses. Different animals are good at different things.

  We should help others with our own strengths.  (PPT出示) 


  五.Assign the homework

  T: Let’s see today’s homework. (PPT出示)

   So much for today.

  Goodbye, boys and girls.

  Ss: Goodbye, Miss Wang.

  T: Let’s say“goodbye”to Elmer. (PPT出示图片)

  Ss: Goodbye. Elmer.

【第1/3楼】尤卫红 2012/1/6 9:32:44


【第2/3楼】刘云霞 2012/1/6 13:16:16
【第3/3楼】陈小燕 2012/5/23 9:01:12


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